The Andreas van Zoelen collection
Sax placed a bass clarinet mouthpiece on an ophicleïde like this (Normally these instruments were played with a trombone like mouthpiece). This generates a much lower tone. In the first French patent from 1846, you can clearly see the lineage.
I once received a phone call from an orchestra in Germany. They had heard I own an ophicleïde, and were wondering if I could play it in a production of Mendelssohn’s “Midsummer Night’s Dream” at their theater. I informed them that my ophicleïde is very much not in playing condition, and that I’ll certainly keep it that way; I am sure my head would short-circuit if I’d have to learn it: all the keys but one are closed in resting position!
Interestingly virtually no information can be found about the maker; Walfog. Let us know if you know more!
*the construction year of this instrument is an estimate
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